Life after Death?
Review of August Meeting – Kevin Rowan-Drewitt – Solar Returns – Life after death?
Secretary Kevin Rowan-Drewitt was on hand to give the talk via Zoom on the internet for the August meeting that saw 16 people logging on to hear him speak about solar returns and how those charts continued to work even after the native had died. Kevin was inspired to research this subject after Australian astrologer Lynda Hill put up the solar return for 2018/19 of Elsie Wheeler, the psychic behind the Sabian Symbols, on her website. Kevin contacted Lynda as to whether you can do the solar returns for people after they had passed away and what location would you use if you can? Lynda informed him that indeed you can and that you use the location for the place that the person died. Intrigued by this Kevin set about doing the solar returns of 5 famous dead musicians he was familiar with, concentrating on the solar return charts for when they became famous, when they died and when they came back into the spotlight, to see if this technique actually worked.
Kevin began his PowerPoint presentation with an explanation of what a solar return chart was and how it was calculated. It was simply a chart drawn up for the exact time that the Sun returned to the exact position it was when you were born, which was your birthday or the day before or after it. The chart indicates the areas of your life that will be dominant in your life in the coming year, depending on which houses the planets are placed. A 6th house emphasis for example would mean a focus on your health and job, whilst a 10thhouse emphasis would mean it would be your career and public reputation would be to the fore.
The first musician Kevin put up was that of glam rocker Marc Bolan of the band T.Rex fame. Kevin began with Marc’s birth chart, then his solar return for 1970/1 when he became famous, his solar return for the year he died (1977) and finally the chart of his solar return for when he came back into the public eye when his film Born to Boogie was released on DVD and went to number one in the DVD chart (2002/3). The final chart had clear evidence that the solar return chart did work after the person’s death as Saturn was in the 10th, (fame) Neptune in the 4th(film/home – the film was basically a home movie) and 4 planets in the 12th. (Fantasy) The Sun was also on the ascendant. The other musicians Kevin used were Jim Morrison of The Doors, Karen Carpenter, John Lennon and Elvis Presley. In each case the solar return for when they came back in to the spotlight had clear indications that that would be the case, so indeed Kevin concluded that yes the solar return chart does continue to work after the native has passed on. Interestingly, in every case there was a 4th/10th house emphasis.
There were many very valued contributions and questions from the people logged on which Kevin appreciated very much and it was a very lively meeting from which Kevin got a lot of positive feedback which was also much appreciated. Kevin would also like to take the opportunity to thank Kathy Rowan for hosting the meeting and for Mark Hetherington for lending him his laptop at the last minute as Kevin’s internet wasn’t working on the night.