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Your Year in the Stars - 2021

by Professional Astrologer, Kathy Rowan


Make friends with technology, embrace the financial revolution, use your energy and talents to improve your home, finances and environmental courses you care about

Get real and regenerate your career, let go of what isn’t working and build something solid for the long-term future. You are ambitious and focussed now, stick with it.

Helpful friends can make a real difference now, it’s not a time for going it alone. Work in groups and see your friends more. New companions bring new interesting ideas.


This is a very important year for Taurus. It’s a year of opportunity, of changes and surprises, maybe even a wake-up call. Experiment with music, the arts and your appearance, show the world who you really are!

Now is the time to invest in your talents. To take the course or trip that will get you where you want to be in the long-term future. Perfect for publishing and higher education - take yourself seriously and others will too.

This year brings money, recognition and great achievements in your career and status. Success in the spiritual side of life too. You feel more confident now and may travel for work or pleasure.


You will experience flashes of inspiration and insight. Your psychic antennae will be twitching away, guiding you in the right direction…

Now is the right time for getting your house in order. Checkout your paperwork, get to grips with your finances, there may be some delays but it’ll all be worth it in the long run. This year could bring an inheritance or windfall, so be smart and spend a little, save a lot!

Look out for benefits through other cultures, expansion of your horizons, legal matters, religion and philosophy and all kinds of educational matters. You may enjoy learning or teaching and are likely to do more reading than usual. If you are a writer now is the time to publish your works. Life should be fun and you can afford to take a gamble now!


You’ll see more options for your future this year. You may consider a new way of life. New friends and new ideas are coming your way. Hold onto your hat cos its going to be very interesting!

It’s time for babies, weddings and time for being all loved up this year! But not for every Cancerian of course, some will be investing in their career, others in their family life. But either way these things give you the security you long for and make you very happy.

This year brings you two great gifts, increased confidence and better health. With this winning combination the worlds your oyster! Your world expands this year with new friends, laughter and enjoyment.


Changes come out of the blue and there’s going to be some unexpected opportunities in your career this year. Embrace technology and try out new things that make life easier and more exciting for you.

This is the year to streamline your working procedures and get more organised! Good opportunities in your working life but try not to overdo it. All work and no play make you a grumpy pussycat!

A marvellous for love and romance. Some of you will want to tie the knot this year and it’s the perfect year for that. Others will be all loved up and cosy as can be. Partners are warm and supportive now and if you’re looking for love – you won’t have far to look!


Over the last couple of years, you have had a bit too much responsibility on your shoulders but now you have the opportunity to take greater control of your life and put an emphasis on what makes you feel good. Enjoy your pleasures and hobbies, life is sweet! It’s a wonderful time for entertainment and entertaining too. A new hobby can become a passion now - time is limited, you can’t play as much as you’d like - so plan your leisure time wisely and make the most of it!

Time to adjust your thinking, you will receive many new insights and revelations about the world and need to keep an open mind to reach a new level of understanding. Stay in a flexible frame of mind and you will enjoy a new and stimulating way of thinking. You can learn more about science, technology or new techniques in your work. Avoid legal encounters this year if you possibly can.

Health will be great this year if you don’t over-do it. Either you’ll be popular at work, enjoying what you’re doing, or you will move to somewhere better. One way or another this is a great career year.


There may be fluctuations in your partners income or it could just be they are spending more time at work or working on a project or interest. Sudden changes (either up or down) in your partners’ income are possible. You may receive an inheritance during this period. Your sex life may also receive a happy boost!

Time to invest in home and family. It’s a year of making your house a home and that’s something you’re really good at. You’ll be saving for a better home or rebuilding the one you’re in, you might even be creating a second home! Your determination and perseverance pay off.

This year brings luck and support from close friends, lovers and even the outside world! Romantically this is an excellent year for you, think passion, intensity and fun!


You might not have as much time as you’d like with your partner but when you’re together you’ll make up for lost time and have great fun! If your single and looking for love, then it’s going to be an action packed year for you. Expect the unexpected and remember, friends can become lovers now!

The knowledge and experience you have built up over the years will come into its own now. You’ll be able to use what you’ve learnt to good advantage and will want to get to grips with a subject that has always fascinated you. Now’s the time for studying, for learning, for exploring…. Dig deep and satisfaction is guaranteed.

A happy new addition in your home or a new home are likely this year, at the very least more space and happiness in the home. A good period for financial dealings in connection with property and family matters.


It’s time to sort out your finances, believe in yourself more and put down a solid foundation for the future. Sensible stuff and really helpful in the long term!

It’s all change in the workplace, expect relocations or changes of equipment and upheavals and interruptions to be the norm. Sounds crazy? It is! But it will also bring some positive changes, opportunities and fun into the mix and you always enjoy a bit of fun so it’ll be chaotic but you’ll be able to laugh about it too.

Writing, reading, learning, thinking its all about communication now. Your contacts are helpful, your brothers, sisters and neighbours can be helpful too. You are likely to be travelling with your job or for pleasure but either way your travels should go well and bring unexpected opportunities and adventures. This is a great time to ask for a raise or take a trip. Business and negotiations go particularly well now. So well you might even treat yourself to a new car!


Now is the time to seek out new forms of self-expression and creativity. Children will be more independent this year, even rebellious. This is an excellent time for arts, crafts, new techniques – be adventurous!

It’s a major year for you this year Capricorn, the world is starting to understand the values and wisdom you were born with and ‘your time’ is now. Move forward with confidence, your will power is at its strongest and this is an excellent time for realizing your ambitions and achieving well-earned success.

A very good year for your earnings, you’ve got the golden touch this year. If you want to try for a better job, here or abroad, then now’s the time to go for it.


You are likely to experience changes within your home and family. Old ties may be broken, new roots put down. Let go of old habits or ways of thinking that have held you back and try out new experiences. Experiment, adjust, make improvements. The new start you are longing for is just around the corner!

Time to clear the clutter in your life and make room for new beginnings. Cut your losses and look to the future. Enjoy quiet meditation or reflection. Keep your secrets close to your chest - a secret love affair is likely, will you be tempted?

A wonderful year for being brave and creative. Relationships improve, and all new enterprises are well starred. Travel is fun and love life is terrific!


This is an exciting time intellectually - now is the time for new interests, particularly in the sciences, technology, yoga and astrology. The general tempo of daily life will be unpredictable during this period, so try to be flexible.

Groups and societies may have a power struggle behind the scenes, expect changes in your social circle, with new friends and experiences coming along to add to your pleasure. You may decide to take a position of responsibility within a group, gently steering things in the right direction. Who you know is more important than what you know right now.

Your psychic magical self is bursting to come out and play. You’ll find yourself attracted to nature, the ocean and unicorns this year! Everything that is wild, free and magical. You may take up a new subject such as yoga or reiki, this will be the beginning of a great world of discovery that you will love every minute off – enjoy!

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