2022 and YOU!

Here are the astrological predictions for 2022 for all the signs of the zodiac, by professional astrologer Kathy Rowan. (If you know your rising sign checkout the predictions for that sign too).
Saturn in the 11th - During this period old faces will be replaced by new ones, expect changes in your social circle during this period. Make the most of this by looking out for new friends and experiences that bring you pleasure. You may decide to take a position of responsibility within a group. This is a time when you can use your excellent leadership skills for the benefit of all.
Jupiter in the 12th
Your psychic, magical self is bursting to come out and play. You’ll find yourself attracted to nature, the ocean and unicorns this year! Everything that is wild, free and magical. You may take up a new subject such as yoga or reiki, this will be the beginning of a great world of discovery that you will love every minute off – enjoy!
Saturn in the 10th - Now is a time to prepare for changes in your working life, options will be limited and decisions serious. You can use this time to make a well-planned move, cashing in on the wisdom and experience you have already gained. This is a time for promotion, for recognition and for professional success. You’ll be reaping the rewards of your past hard work. This year you’ll need to find new goals, new mountains to climb.
Jupiter in the 11th
Helpful friends can make a real difference now, it’s not a time for going it alone. Work in groups and see your friends more. New companions bring interesting, new ideas. Travel is likely, so is wanting to improve the world.
Saturn in the 9th - If you are planning a long journey, it will be most successful if it is educational or connected with your occupation. You may find yourself attracted to subjects relating to higher consciousness such as spirituality, metaphysics or philosophy. But you are also concerned with practical results. What you learn during this period will be useful to you in the following years.
Jupiter in the 10th
This year brings money, recognition and great achievements in your career and status. Success in the spiritual side of life too. You feel more confident now and may travel for work or pleasure.
Saturn in the 8th - During this period you will be very aware of the joint resources (or lack of them) in your life. Your short-term finances and possessions will be rather limited. Use this time wisely, it is the ideal time to save and plan so that you can realise your goals in the long-term future. Expect financial delays and disappointments but hang on in there!
Jupiter in the 9th
Look out for benefits through foreign travel, expansion of your horizons, legal matters, religion and philosophy and all kinds of educational matters. You may enjoy learning or teaching and are likely to do more reading than usual. If you are a writer now is the time to publish your works. Life should be fun, and you can afford to take a gamble now!
Saturn in the 7th - Close relationships come under the microscope for you during this period. It is time to review your closest relationships, and this includes both love relationships and working partnerships. You will be taking a long, hard look at your life and assessing realistically what and who needs to go, this is a tough process. Those partnerships that survive this testing time will emerge stronger than ever.
Jupiter in the 8th
This year brings luck and support from close friends, lovers and even the outside world! Romantically this is an excellent year for you, think passion, intensity and fun!
Saturn in the 6th - You can expect more hard work and responsibility at work and with your family. At time your responsibilities will feel overwhelming, so you need to allow yourself extra time to relax and pamper yourself to counteract this pressure. Conserve your energies now and pay attention to your body and health, rest is very important and a little time to yourself away from the demands of others.
Jupiter in the 7th
A marvellous for love and romance. Some of you will want to tie the knot this year and it’s the perfect year for that. Others will be all loved up and cosy as can be. Partners are warm and supportive now and if you’re looking for love – you won’t have far to look!
Saturn in the 5th - During this period life should begin to brighten up for you. Over the last couple of years, you have had a bit too much responsibility on your shoulders. But now you have the opportunity to take greater control of your life, and put more emphasis on your pleasures and hobbies. This is a good time to do what you want to do - when you want to do it. This is also a time when romance in the air!
Jupiter in the 6th
Health will be great this year if you don’t over-do it. Either you’ll be popular at work, enjoying what you’re doing, or you will move to somewhere better. One way or another this is a great career year.
Saturn in the 4th - During this period the responsibilities of home and family life is stressed. So, this is a good time to buy a property, or make some serious home improvements. Family responsibilities may weigh rather heavily on you, older relatives may need extra care. Now is the time to work on putting down the foundations of a secure and stable future for yourself and your family too.
Jupiter in the 5th
A wonderful year for being brave and creative. Relationships improve, and all new enterprises are well starred. Travel is fun and love life is terrific.
Saturn in the 3rd - Travel and communication are areas in which you usually excel. However, during this period, you will be frustrated by minor travel and communication problems. So, expect problems with all communication and travel equipment, computers, telephones, 'planes, trains and automobiles'. The best thing that you can use this period for is study - so get those books out and get stuck in!
Jupiter in the 4th
A happy new addition in your home or a new home are likely this year, at the very least more space and happiness in the home. A good period for financial dealings in connection with property and family matters.
Saturn in the 2nd - This is a couple of years when you will be tightening your belt. You need to plan your finances carefully now and expect financial limitations and delays. However, this is a very good time for saving, especially for your long-term plans and dreams. Now is the time to make a budget and stick to it, so you can enjoy greater prosperity in a few years time.
Jupiter in the 3rd
Writing, reading, learning, thinking it’s all about communication now. Your contacts are helpful, your brothers, sisters and neighbours can be helpful too. You are likely to be travelling with your job or for pleasure but either way your travels should go well and bring unexpected opportunities and adventures. This is a great time to ask for a raise or take a trip. Business and negotiations go particularly well now. So well, you might even treat yourself to a new car!
Saturn in the 1st - You will feel the effects of Saturn more strongly than any other sign of the zodiac during this period. It is likely to test your relationships in the harsh light of day, and it seems to make life a little harder in every area. Now is a time to be taken more seriously and to make your mark in the world.
Jupiter in the 2nd
A very good year for your earnings, you’ve got the golden touch this year. If you want to try for a better job, here or abroad, then now’s the time to go for it.
Saturn in the 12th Groups and societies may have a power struggle behind the scenes, expect changes in your social circle, with new friends and experiences coming along to add to your pleasure. You may decide to take a position of responsibility within a group, gently steering things in the right direction. Who you know is more important than what you know this year.
Jupiter in the 1st
This year brings you two great gifts, increased confidence, and better health. With this winning combination the worlds your oyster! Your world expands with new friends and travel bringing great enjoyment!